22 may 2013

A - Z of me

A is for apple, I like some apples
B is for boat, my favourite transport
C is for cat, the pet that I want
D is for dreams, sometimes I have strange dreams
E is for Esther, my name of course
F is for fish, I hate fish
G is for girl, I'm a girl
H is for happy, I'm always happy
I is for ice-cream, I love ice-cream
J is for jelly, the funniest dessert
K is for kite, in Spring I like to fly a kite
L is for lemon, I don't like lemons
M is for Marc, my brother
N is for night, It's so beautiful 
O is for orange, my favourite colour
P is for peach, my favourite fruit
Q is for quiet, I'm never quiet
R is for rainbow, I like rainbows
S is for Saturday, my favourite day
T is for TV, that I watch every day
U is for umbrella, I have a blue one
V is for violin, I don't know how to play the violin
W is for wind, I need it to fly my kite
X is for Xmas, which also means Christmas
Y is for year, I'm eleven years old
Z  is for zebra, a strange animal


3 comentarios:

luz dijo...

I like it.

María V dijo...

Me too...

Esther dijo...
