26 mar 2013


Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes. 

Ingredients for 4 people·
· 2 eggs. 
·125 ml of milk mixed with 125 ml of water, (half a glass of milk and other means of water). 
·200 G of flour. 
·1 Tablespoon of sugar.
· Butter. Oil and salt.

 For the landfill: 
·Black and white chocolates. 



STEP 1º: The flour tamizamos passing it through a sieve or a strainer screens very thin.
We put the eggs, two teaspoons of oil and a pinch of salt in the blender cup. 
Beat well with the rods of the blender. If we do not have these, we use rods manuals. 
Add the milk and water.
Continue beating until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

STEP 2º: We will be adding the flour little by little, stirring with the rods, avoiding the formation of lumps. 
Finally, we leave the mixture to stand for 30 minutes.

STEP 3º: To make the crepes, we put a skillet on medium heat with butter. 
It will be easier if you grease the pan well wrapping the cold butter in a napkin or a absorbent kitchen paper to and spent on the hot skillet.

STEP 4º: We add a spoonful of the mixture and extend by turning the skillet in circles; we may also use any flat wooden bucket to extend the mass on the frying pan.

STEP 5º: The until it is golden and cooked through for approximately two minutes on "cada" side; to turn it over we must wait for the dough consistency and we can do this by hand or with the help of some loader of wood.

STEP 6º: We are dissolving the dark chocolate in a little boiling milk, with the quantities indicated on the package to get a milk chocolate quite thick.
The white chocolate, they simply become fused with heat, baking it in a water bath, for this we introduce in some recent, which in turn is entered in another more heated with water on a gentle heat. 
We filled in the crepes with dark chocolate.

Crepes con chocolate Ummm!! It´s delicius!

5 comentarios:

Bianca dijo...

Rico rico delicius pero yo las aria de nata xD

María V dijo...


María V dijo...

¿Has hecho tú las fotos?

Unknown dijo...

Si jiji súper buenos, pero a mi bianca me gusta más de chocolate.
María las fotos las he cogido de internet, mi madre hace ya mucho tiempo que no hace crepés :(( :(

Esther dijo...

Me encantaria comer unos tan buenos como parecen estos.